Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Intoduction and Project two 101

Hey Hey welcome to my cheesy forums me the CheeseDemon or known in person as Taupuru Brightwell the king of uhh what ever.

Well the project I have chosen is my most successful project, project two 101 the one word film.

To sum things up this project required to make a short animation using one word and the animation had to represent that chosen word for example I choose Eaten.

The animation was required to be 15 seconds; I made an entire short film that lasted two minutes. So I was required to make a trailer that lasted 15 seconds.

reason why I choose this project? Is because it involved animation and would help open more doors for me to make my own cartoon series in Anime style.

Strolling the blogs

Yes so I started looking at other students blog pages and found some pretty interesting stuff.

As great as others work may seem I found no one with the same Interests as I to relate to Links of the students blog pages will be located on my Links bar.

I did make contact with these students and so did they to make a connection and plenty more
students to make contact with and share information this i will exploit further on links to
their pages are located on my links bar to the right.

However I did find a blog from one of my inspirational artists Christian Gosset

I often also visit many outside pages such as my Inpirational artists

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Video Progress On my work

Well I currently entered a Contest to design the Design school Bawl poster, So I recorded parts of
my progress making this poster and fitted it all into roughly a minute which actually had taken
me 11 hours to complete well here it is XD. The theme is down the rabbit hole.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Talking Digialty

Most of my interactions with other people take place on the world wide web here are
three examples.

Chatting on Msn Via checking messages on my Deviant art

The NZ 501st Forums Star wars Club

Deviant art chat rooms talking junk to other artists was a late night.